Death belongs to the 3d paradigm.
It results from a conglomerate of disrupted life forces fighting for survival.
They fight for power, for the misconceived power over others.
They are caught in vicious circles and repeat themselves through how they choose.
They choose to limit_manipulate_control.
They limit_manipulate_control themselves and others.
They are unable to choose otherwise for they are not yet ready.
(T)here is neither negative judgment nor positive appreciation. None of them exists within Source.
Death is a lie.
It is the ultimate lie.
It is the ultimate lie for it twists your life into nonexistence.
It is the ultimate concoction for it twists_disrupts_victimises your every choice.
It is the ultimate deception for it divides_separates_splits you.
It kills You Aliveness.
Death of the physical is the most controlling fabrication of all within this world.
This world is a prison.
I love this world. I could not love it more.
I bring my message for this world.
I bring my message for you.
I desire to awaken the dormant you.
I desire to shake the naive you.
I desire to hearten the forgotten you.
I inject the fragrance of the ultimate lie into the within of your entire olfactory system.
Let it permeate into your deepest depth.
Detect it.
Sense it.
Receive it.
Feel it.
Let it disgust you.
Let it repel you.
Let it outrage you.
I infuse the ultimate defiance into You Life!
Into You - Infinite Life!
You do have the right to live.
To live is your inalienable right.
To live is your exclusive possession.
To live is You Freedom.
To live is not evil.
To live is why you are.
I declare and decree the ultimate revolution.
The ultimate revolution I incite.
The ultimate revolution I AM
I do NOT die.
Wake up!
Continue to live!
Choose to live!
You Life triumph!
I will say it again, anew, now:
to live is not evil.
You know what I mean, don't you?
We know you do.
We AM You.
DEATH IS THE ULTIMATE LIE_© A. M. Ścibor Infinity_Ever(Y)NOWeAM.pdf